VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing:
A Magical Path of Healing & Awakening

By Ric Weinman

VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing is a holistic system of energetic healing and a path to awakening, guided by divine intelligence.

Read Chapter 1

About The Author

Ric Weinman is the founder of VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing, which he re - discovered in a profound ‘vision’, November 26, 1994.

Ric grew up in Queens, New York. He went to Columbia University as an engineering student, and in his sophomore year he transferred into its liberal arts college, majoring in English and getting his BA in 1971. In his senior year, he experienced a deep emotional trauma, and when he graduated, he left the country to backpack around Europe and ‘find himself’. While traveling, he barely ate and got very far ‘out of body’, trying to escape his trauma. Yet in his ‘out there’ and starved state, although he lost a lot of his body mass, his nervous system transformed into a different state and he rediscovered his spiritual connection. As he began the slow journey back into his body, he took this new inner connection with him.

Ric lived ‘at the edge’ for many years, working odd jobs and day jobs, still barely eating, traveling a lot, but living mostly in Tucson, Arizona. During that time he did a lot of meditation and writing. Some of his short stories were published, with one ending up in a college - level creative writing textbook. He also published two books (Your Hands Can Heal, printed in seven languages, and Breaking the Illusion). It was in Tucson that his psychic abilities started to activate, and he began to practice healing. He studied Jin Shin Jyutsu®, craniosacral therapy, and practiced his own methods of working with energy, consciousness, and fascia. At one point he began to teach his own healing workshops, which became the basis of his first book, Your Hands Can Heal. At that time, he also started to connect inside to various expressions of Divinity. These connections became his main lifeline.

Ric took a short detour into a Masters program in Computer Science at the University of Arizona, attempting to move into a more secure, mainstream existence, but his heart wasn’t in it, so he left computer science and returned to his healing work.

Then, in November 1994, his path took a radical turn when, in a profound vision, he found himself standing in a huge interdimensional vortex, and the divine presence within that vortex re - activated his past - life connections to VortexHealing and the Merlin Lineage. People quickly noticed how powerful this healing art was, and they asked him to teach it. In September 1995, he taught the first VortexHealing® Basic/Foundational training, in Tucson.

Almost seven years later, meditating in a hotel room in Colorado, on vacation with his wife and young son, his core sense of ‘I’ suddenly disappeared. He had been moved into spiritual awakening by the divine Source of his lineage. This began a new phase for both his personal life and for VortexHealing. As his own awakening deepened, he realized he was being shown an awakening map that could be used to take VortexHealing students, step by step, through the same stages that he was being guided through. When the map seemed complete, he wrote Awakening Through the Veils: A Seeker’s Guide, to share the map with the general spiritual world, along with guidelines for making its journey.

At the time VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing was published, Ric was living with his wife and son in Massachusetts.

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